Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Second Life of a Water Bottle

We are a throw-away society; but when you throw something away do you ever think about where 'away' is?

Less than 1 percent of all plastic is recycled. Therefore, almost all plastics are incinerated or end up in a landfill.  Plastic bottles to be specific; Eight out of ten plastic bottles will end up in a landfill.  As a design thinker I begin to wonder what kind of second, third and so-on lives these plastics could have. A plastic-bottle-boat was made to sail from San Francisco to Sydney Australia. If that can be done who's to say we can't use these water bottles that we toss daily for the use of everyday things? 

Did you also know that  our city has 1100 bus stops but only 64 bus shelters?  As an Interior Architecture major I saw the then second years tackle this problem by creating a bus shelter prototype. Both this and recycling is a problem for not just our city.  I propose we use the plastic-bottle waste we create to turn it into something positive: bus-shelters. The idea is simple but the impact could be dramatic.

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