Wednesday, October 6, 2010

bachelard : the poetics of space : charrette : part 1

In chapter seven of his seminal work, Bachelard suggest that "the plan of the house drawn on a reduced scale implies none of the problems that are inherent to a philosophy of the imagination." (149) REFLECT on the implications of this quote as you exercise your imagination in dealing with your assigned work of art.  Working in plan view only, strategize a working parti for the house of 612 Rockford Road.  Reduce your thoughts to an easily understood diagram.  Write a paragraph to support your work.

The 612 Rockbridge Road Ranch is broken into two distinct spaces; public and private.  The horizontal lines created by various levels create different spaces within the public portion of the house.  Meanwhile in the private part of the house vertical lines created by walls divide the space into secluded rooms.  Vast windows and scarce walls expose the public space to the flow of natural light.  The private portion seems darker because of the smaller rooms and windows.  The lighting merged with the color scheme of my inspiration art piece [Jay DeFeo, Untitled 1952] would allow for  gradient to move dark to light, west to east.  Touches of blue would be expressed on either the north or the east walls and the spaces material would be very tactile, also reflecting the painting.

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